Tuesday, December 3, 2013


So today i was sitting in this class, and like at every school, theres always that one guy that everyone wishes they don't have any classes with him. For some people its the bully, or the farter, or  maybe even just the one that theres something about being in their presence that makes you want to go up to them, rip their ear off, and then feed it to their own dog, or even worse their pet fish. Well this guy is the type that will never shut up, and says anything that comes to mind. But the worst part is, the teachers don't even care! They've all just given up on trying to get him to shut up. Trust me he doesn't have an actual mental disability that does this to him, if he did it would be completely understandable. But he doesn't! Its like we all have filters on what we say, but his has a massive hole in it. Well anyway, for school we had to write this paper, and we got them back today, and being the smartas* he is, he asked the teacher to pass back the papers (trying to make it seem like he was helping, but really he just wanted to see everyones grades.) He was walking through class giving everyone their papers, giving them all shi*y remarks. Then he got to me, I was prepared for him to tell me some little douch*bag sidecomment. But he told me "good job." Does this mean something with us? No, actually, just no, it doesn't because I hate the guts out of him, and he thinks I'm a total freak(who can blame him for that.) Before all of this I was in another class, where today this on girl sat next to me. I thought "Oh, just be friendly whats the worse that can happen." I was at my desk, and the whole class I was just listening (blanking out) to this girl just gossiping about everbody. But it wasn't the good kind of dirt we all want to hear, it was just saying bad things about people. First of all, I don't like gossiping because I know I would be so mad if people spread stuff about me (but that will never happen because I am invisible.) And second, it is just mean to say bad things about people. Well, that is kind what I am doing right now, but this is different, because all I do here is just to make you smile. So I was sitting, getting an ear full of spit, literally spit. And to make the whole situation worse, with her accent, I couldn't understand anything she was saying (I guess that is actually kind of a good thing.) Her accent is kind of a mix of Canadian, Mexican, British, elephant, with a hint of pencil sharpener. So moral of the story, never be "that" person., no matter what your "thing" is that makes you "that" person.

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